Walking Street Hostel Pisa


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Contact person:
Marco Trogu
Tel: +39 3930648737

Corso Italia, 58
(56125) Pisa PI, Italia

Walking Street Hostel Pisa
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The area around the Tower is packed with tacky souvenir shops. Ignore them and walk to Corso Italia and the Borgo Stretto, the two main shopping streets in Pisa. Here you will find all kinds of Italian fashion shops. The cheapest brands are in Corso Italia and the most well-known and elegant lie stores in the medieval Borgo Stretto. Other two streets such as via Mercanti and Via dei Rigattieri can boast many excellent shops. All around the centre of the city there are dealers who sell old books and paintings. And if, generally speaking, you are interested in antiques and old furniture, the Fiera dell’antiquariato e artigianato artistico (Antique and craft fair), which is held in Via Santa Maria, Piazza Felice Cavallotti, Via dei Mille, Via Corsica, Piazza dei Cavalieri and Via Ulisse Dini every second Saturday and Sunday of the month (except August and July), is highly recommended. Another place you must visit is the Mercato delle vettovaglie (fruit and food market, in Piazza delle Vettovaglie) which is over a hundred years old, and is open from Mondays to Fridays.